You're My Ribombee!

Welcome to my little haven of Ribombees! I hope you enjoy looking at my wee collection of fuzzy bees!
The name of the website is a reference to something my husband once said to me. Pokemon is a very important game for us (our first date was actually us playing Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire together in my apartment after he bought Ruby for me), so we decided to play Sun and Moon together even though we were living apart at the time. He was particularly infatuated with Ribombee from the get go, and it must have stuck in his head because one night I was still up playing in bed, and my husband was asleep next to me. He has a tendency to talk in his sleep, and this time he turned over, kissed my thigh, and said 'You're my Ribombee...' before immediately rolling back over and falling asleep.
It was just too cute! I already loved Ribombee at that point but it just made me love Ribombee even more, so I decided to start a collection! Unfortunately, Ribombee doesn't have much in the way of merchandise - but that just makes it easier to have a complete collection I suppose!