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Last Updated: April 20, 2019

Welcome to the TCG page! Here is housed the TCG cards and accessories, broken into two categories since I don't really have a blurb for every card version. Please note that I only count English and Japanese cards for my collection - I may have a few others but they won't be displayed here, and I'm not going after every language edition because there would be just too many. Anyway, I hope this can serve as a good reference for you guys!




Guardians Rising Packs

Released: May 5, 2017

For some reason, the English TCG now likes to not only have plastic wrapping, but cardboard wrapping around their packs. Naturally, I wanted both for the collection, so I sat in the section comparing packs to get a plastic ninetales without buying loads of packs (since you can see the plastic from the side of the cardboard pack).

Who knows what these packs hold, I don't! And I never will, they will stay minty mint forever. <3

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